Join the party at Sapphire, and find out what makes us different from every other bar you've tried.
We opened in April 2005 in the heart of Downtown Knoxville and have been serving up incredible cocktails to everyone who's anyone in Knox. Whether you're hitting us up with a big group ready to party, or you're single and ready to mingle, Sapphire is the place to be. You'll love it all: from our unique ambiance and decor crafted from the bones of an old jewelry store in a building more than a century old, to our incredible chef-created small plates of New American cuisine with tastes of Asia, Mexico, France and the Southeastern US.
We're inspired by quality and offer the best in everything we do. We source local and humane ingredients as much as possible and pride ourselves on our made-from-scratch breads, sauces and desserts.
Whether you're looking for great ambiance, fabulous food, incredible craft cocktails, or amazing night life, you'll love it up here at Sapphire, and you'll never want to leave!
Our happy hour specials and ability to attract the most interesting and beautiful people in Knoxville is unparalleled. When you get the best at Sapphire, you'll have no need to bar hop to the rest.
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